Mission Statement

Our goal with this blog is to push each other to get healthy, learn how to stay fit and active, to examine our lives and try to find the joy and fun in every day, and to conquer our fears so that we can go out into the world and grasp every bit of happiness we can find. All while being snarky and trying not to kill each other.

Monday, March 22, 2010

RAW FOOD: Day 8, Cory

I've decided to permanently cut down on the Raw Food percent, while still eating a lot of raw food.  What I mean by this is that I plan to to do this:

--Oatmeal for breakfast, with a handful of raw nuts and berries.
--Small orange for snack
--Avocado & cheese (using half an avocado, and about a 50 cal half-serving of semi-soft goat cheese) on a piece of whole wheat bread for lunch, along with an apple, pear, or peach, and a mixture of raw veggies.
--Same avocado & cheese on whole wheat for dinner, using the other half!  This time with a salad with raw veggies, and a bit of grilled chicken or fish on the salad.
--Berries for dessert

That's what I did today, though I had a 1/4 cup of almonds instead of berries for dessert, which I don't want to do again.  I'm already having a serving of nuts for breakfast, and I want to stick with one serving per day.  So I'll make it berries from here on out.

Basically, I am cutting down a tad on the raw, and adding more grain.

I think my basic philosphy is going to be:
--Eat raw foods at every meal.
--Don't eat it cooked if you can eat it raw
--All snacks should be raw foods
--All cooked/not-raw foods will be healthy foods (moderate to low on fats and sugars and salts)
--Include some whole grain and dairy every day
--Include some fish or chicken every day
--No junk food
--No "diet" food or drinks or substitutes (like sweetner or fat substitutes)
--Keep portion sizes small

Exercise went fine - 45 minutes on the stationary bike, as always.  No walking today - it was cold and gray and rainy!


1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a great plan to me, Cory! You need to adjust it to where it works best for you and it's easier for you to maintain it long-term. I wish I could adjust mine to where I could have some bread or cheese, but I really do think this is the best way for me to go, at least for right now. I may be able to add in some bread or dairy at some point in the future, but those are just too "triggery" for me right now.
