Mission Statement

Our goal with this blog is to push each other to get healthy, learn how to stay fit and active, to examine our lives and try to find the joy and fun in every day, and to conquer our fears so that we can go out into the world and grasp every bit of happiness we can find. All while being snarky and trying not to kill each other.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Raw Food: Day 10, Cappy

Diet same as usual, which means it went good.  I was sooooo tempted to eat another piece of chocolate cake today, but I didn't.  I do seem to be hungrier this week than last week.  I don't know what's up with that--is the novelty of the diet just wearing off and I'm noticing hunger more?  Am I experiencing the same levels of hunger as last week but am more emotionally and mentally vulnerable which therefore makes me more aware/sensitive to not being full and satiated?  Is there something physically going on that's making me experience more hunger this week?  Stuff to ponder, but maybe if I keep looking at it "scientifically" I can keep myself from giving in in a weak moment.

I walked an hour and fifteen minutes tonight after I got home.  And I'm not sore at all, so I'm thinking it's time to step it up and increase the time and endurance.

Happymaker of the day:  being goofy with friends online.


1 comment:

  1. Maybe diff times in your monthly cycle are responsible for diff reactions to the same food. You could try to see if there is a pattern, 'cause if there is, knowing it could help you figure out a strategy for dealing.

    Good work on resisting the chocolate cake. I think this kind of thing will get easier with time and experience. Detaching yourself to look at it "scientifically" sounds like a good tip.

    I try to remember what some diet guru on TV - maybe it was low-fat queen Susan Powter, or possibly Richard Simmons - once said. It was years ago, and though the identity of the person has faded the basic words didn't. What she/he said was (paraphrasing from memory): "When I see something that not good for me, I tell myself: POISON! That is POISON. Why would I want to ingest poison?"

    I find myself thinking that, when I look at the treats. It gives me that detached feeling I think you're describing here. I mean, I'm observing, thinking about the properties of the food, deciding on it's wholesomeness for me. I'm not thinking about MY characteristics or how I'm feeling. I try to look at in that objective, removed way.

    Again, all easier said than done, but I think it's a smart approach that time and practice can make easier and more automatic.

