Mission Statement

Our goal with this blog is to push each other to get healthy, learn how to stay fit and active, to examine our lives and try to find the joy and fun in every day, and to conquer our fears so that we can go out into the world and grasp every bit of happiness we can find. All while being snarky and trying not to kill each other.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


So, yeah.  I've been MIA for a long time.  Life just got too busy and crazy for me to remember to post on here.  Maybe if I just do as Cory has suggested, trying to post an update once a week, I'll be able to keep up.  I'll give it a shot.

Believe it or not, my absence is not indicative of me falling off the wagon.  I haven't been sticking to a diet or exercise program hardcore (until this week--more on that in a bit), but I haven't completely stopped trying to make improvements, either.  

My goal right now as far as diet is to try and eat 75% raw foods.  I think it's too much to expect myself to only eat 100% raw foods all day every day.  I'm letting myself have a few indulgences here and there.  But I am still doing my veggie smoothies--believe it or not, I LOVE them.  The recipe I use is:

2 cups water
3 large handfuls of spinach
2 bananas
2 cups of strawberries

Blend all in a blender for about 2 1/2 minutes.  Yields three servings.

I drink a smoothie for breakfast and one for lunch.  Sometimes I even drink one for supper, too.  It's especially nice and refreshing now that it's so hot.  And it gives me a big energy boost.  I munch on a variety of different things throughout the day such as bananas, apples, grapes, carrots, sugar snap peas, almonds, and cashews.  I do my best to never go hungry.  I figure if I keep myself from going hungry it'll keep my blood sugar in a good zone and will help keep the cravings at bay.

And this past weekend I bought a treadmill.  And I am actually jogging on it!  I am so excited that I can run-- I thought I was still several months away from being able to run.  Now granted, I'm only jogging 90-120 seconds at a time.  I'm doing the "weight loss" program on the treadmill, which varies the speed and gets you up into your target heart rate for fat-burning.  But still, GO ME! \o/  I'm loving it, too.  Running feels so freeing.  I'm even thinking that maybe next year if I'm ready I might run a 5K here in our city.

And today I tried on a pair of jeans that are two sizes smaller than the pair I'm used to wearing (which I haven't even worn in months because I wear scrubs to work and usually sweats or shorts when I get home, and since I have no social life I had no need to try these jeans on), and those jeans fit perfectly. \o/ And I tried on the bigger size I used to wear and was able to slide them off without unbuttoning or unzipping.  I also tried on a pair of jeans that are 3 sizes smaller.  Those were too snug to wear as of right now, but I was at least able to button and zip them up.  So, even though I've been absent around here, I have still been making some progress.

Sorry I haven't been holding up my end of the blog, Cory!  I hope you can find it somewhere in that heart of yours to forgive me.  And I hope you've been doing well in your own journey.  I know you've had a whole bunch of stuff going on with you. 


Sunday, May 30, 2010

TESTING: Week 3, Cory

I'm going to go by week instead of day, because I cannot keep track.

I am taking a bit of a break for a few days because I have a major, stressful event in store, and I'm just trying to stay even until I get past it.

I'm eating OK, nothing wild, but not paying the attention I should.

I plan to get back on track in June, with paying more attention to what I'm eating, though I am paying attention, even now, about what strategies work for me during times of stress - to, at the very least, not gain weight. 

Will be back to the more regular posting in a few days.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

TESTING: Day 7, Cory

Well, I did OK, but not as well as I would have liked.  I was doing fine until it got late and I was just sooo hungry I had a small half sandwich and a yogurt as a snack before bed.

That is something for me to note - I have to have a strategy for dealing with the "before bed" hungries that I get.  I can't sleep if I am hungry, and if I don't have a plan, I will just give in and eat whatever is on hand.  So there ya go . . . this testing is turning up the need to come up with a rule/strategy for the late night hungry time that I seem to deal with more often than not.

And, yes, I have decided to write another installment of . . .

O Cappy, My Cappy:

(verse 2)

O Cappy! my Cappy! rise up and type the posts;
Rise up--for you the flag is flung for you the readers thrill,
For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths for you the followers a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Cappy! dear blogger!
O cottage cheese and caffeine!
It is some dream that on the blog,
Her posts cannot be seen.

-- Cory

But seriously, Cappy - I hope you are well and doing as you hoped with your eating and "getting healthier" plans.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

TESTING: Day 6, Cory

Well, I think my rule about exercise will be:

--Walk at least 2 miles or do at least 45 minutes on the bike during the day, minimum of 6 days a week. 

That allows me to skip a day, which I can imagine would happen now and then, when, say, it's rainy so I don't walk, and I get busy with something during the evening and can't get to my exercise bike.   I will test that out and see if I can stick to it without any major problems.

I don't want to finalize on that one yet, but that seems to be what is taking shape, here.  My approach here, for food and exercise,  is NOT going to be:  "Make some rules and stick to them," but rather, "See what you can stick to, and make it a rule."

On the food, I think I can go ahead and steal one from Alton Brown right now:

--Always eat breakfast.

Easy to do and really seems to help me get through the day.  I will call that one "final."

Still working on the rest.

Rainy day, did 45 min on the indoor bike.  Ran out of eggs so I ate three small turkey sausages with a piece of whole wheat for brk; a smallish salad and piece of cornbread (baked polenta) for lunch, and a small salad with shrimp and a piece of whole wheat for dinner.  Also had a yogurt, and plan to have a piece of fruit before bed.

Oh - I forgot I ate a biscotti and half a .  .  . fruit-bar cookie type thing.  It didn't seem like a huge indulgence, though I should be more careful about stuff like that.

Cappy!  Hope you are well, and silence does not mean anything except your are busy.  Are you still doing Raw Foods?  Something different?  Taking a bit of a break from the whole thing?


Thursday, May 20, 2010

TESTING: Day 4, Cory

Well, I did fine with my eating today.

My exercise was about 2 miles of walking and 45 minutes on the bike.

Am still working on figuring out what "my lists" and rules will be, but I feel like they are starting to take shape!

This is all so day by day.  I have yet to get on the scale, which is still sitting in my bathroom, but I know I am at that place where I'm getting close to my end-weight and loss is going to be slow.  Which is OK.  I don't think I can possibly be losing more than a pound or so a week - at the most, and probably less - at this point.  But that is OK.

It is what it is, I'll end up where I end up!

CAPPY!  Hope you are doing OK on your efforts.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

TESTING: Day 2, Cory

Well, I feel better not worrying about Low Carb anymore.  I am having some kind of whole grain at every meal, along with protein.  And at lunch and dinner, I also make sure I have some veggies and fruit.  At lunch, I have yogurt to have some dairy in the day.

The "Lists & Rules" are starting to shape up in my head . . .  I think I am going to come up with:

--What food groups I will be sure eat every day
--What I can eat anytime
--What I can eat occasionally
--What I will never eat

And then say, up to three additional rules, like "always eat breakfast," or some such thing.

Did fine today.   I had bought some eggs and turkey sausage for breakfast and am going to stick with it until I finish them up, but then I think I am going to go to oatmeal again. Lunch was a turkey sandwich with lots of veggies on pumpernickel, and yogurt.  Dinner was chicken stir fry, two pieces of whole wheat bread, and an orange.

Rainy, rainy, rainy again today, so I did my 45 minutes on the exercise bike, and very little walking. 

Monday, May 17, 2010

TESTING: Day 1, Cory

Well, I have to stop calling this "Low Carb," because I just can't stick to Low Carb.  So I am calling it "Testing" because I feel like I'm entering a phase where I am figuring out how I want to eat for the long term.

I am thinking it is going to end up being low fat and good-carbs (as in avoiding refined sugar, going for whole grains, etc).

I want to come up with Cory's Four Rules, sorta like Alton Brown did, with his Four Lists.  Only they will be my lists to eat by, not Alton's.  Though I like some of his, and will probably steal some.

So I'm going to be trying to figure that out in the next few weeks.  And then I will post my "Lists," and try to live by them, and see how it goes.  My goal is to tweak and have this tweaked to perfection by the end of the calendar year - and to follow my rules from now on.

And then, whatever weight I am, when eating light and sensibly and doing a decent amount of exercise . . . well, that is the weight I am.

Did good today with the eating, and the exercising.  Got back to using my exercise bike, since the weather continues to be too rainy to walk to work. 


Friday, May 14, 2010

LOW CARB: Day 7, Cory

Well, I think I did fine on my eating, but I wouldn't exactly call it low carb.  Had a low carb brkfst, yes, but then at lunch I had a sandwich (turkey and veggies on pumpernickel) and yogurt, and at dinner I had a hamburger and yogurt.  Also had a few shrimp with cocktail sauce for a snack, and a piece of fruit.

So sensible, low cal eating . . . but not really low carb.  I'll keep trying to stick with low carb for the week ahead, despite this.

Got plenty of exercise in, with about 4 - 5 miles of walking, I'd say.

And today was the first day I wore a pair of jeans that were a bit too snug a month or so ago, so that's good!

I still haven't gotten on the scale.  I did move it downstairs to the bathroom. 

How goes it, Cappy?


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

LOW CARB: Day 5, Cory

Well, I'm doing fine on the diet.

Am not going super low carb, just sorta watching the carbs.  I did have some sweetened strawberry yogurt, croutons on my salad, and a whole wheat English muffin, and I am not denying myself fruit in any measure.  So it's more about being a change from the total "low fat/high carb" thing I had going on with the cupboard cleanup - with rice and pasta at just about every meal, but staying away from the fat.

Today, I did fine - eggs and turkey sausage and English muffin for brk; small grilled chicken salad and yogurt for lunch; 12 little shrimp with cocktail sauce snack; largish grilled chicken salad with small amt vingarette dressing for dinner.

Not very good on the exercise.  It was rainy all day long and I barely got any walking in (maybe a half mile), and did not do the bike.  I have a hard time with this when the weather is ooky.

Hiya, CAPPY!  Thanks for the encouragement!  I miss you, too!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Raw Food, Cappy

Today was another good day.  I had no problems staying on the diet.  I overslept this morning, so I didn't get a chance to exercise before work.  But I made up for it after work--I exercised a total of one and a half hours.  I walked for 1 hour and did my workout dvd for 30 minutes.  I'm already stiff and sore, so tomorrow should be fun. :D

Happymaker of the day:  Finishing my workout.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Raw Food: Day Whatever and One, Cappy

Did great on the diet today.  This past weekend wasn't perfect, but I stayed on it for the majority of the weekend.  I only walked for about 45 minutes tonight--it was windy and damp and chilly outside, and my calf was hurting (I think I may have slightly pulled a muscle, but it's nothing too bad).  I plan to get up early enough to go for a walk in the morning and then walk tomorrow night after work.  It can happen!

I have plans to get back strict with the diet this week.  Today was a good start.  Go me!

CORY:  Sounds like you're doing great!  Good on you for adjusting things to keep it all from getting too boring for you.  This is how you make it a lifestyle choice and not just a temporary diet. \o/  Also, I miss you!  It feels weird not planning a trip for this year, doesn't it?  



LOW CARB: Day 3, Cory

Well, I'm still enjoying the switch from the boredom of my cupboard cleanup, and hoping I don't get bored too quickly on this one.

Had a good day eating wise - light brk of two eggs with turkey sausage and half an English muffin; light lunch of grilled chicken salad with a yogurt; light dinner of grilled shrimp salad with an English muffin and an orange.

Exercise not so good at all - it was really cold (low 30s) this morning so I didn't walk to work.  Ended up walking a mile or so at lunch, and that's it.  Just didn't have the gumption for the bike.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

LOW CARB: Day 1, Cory

OK.  Today was the first day of making the switch from low fat to low carb.  Mostly, it was just a relief to make a change . . . I was getting very bored.

My only "breadlike" item today was a whole wheat English muffin.  I had two "lite" eggs and turkey sausage and a yogurt with blueberries and strawberries for brk (the lite eggs brkfst at Bob Evans), a small grilled chicken salad with apples and a handful of pecans for lunch, and the a grilled chicken salad with the English muffin for dinner.  So I certainly ate sensibly today, and the calories can't have added up to very much.

I didn't do that great on the exercise - I did a little walking - no more than .5 mile, and some cleaning upstairs that included a bit of furniture moving.

Anyhow, it felt good to move to something new.  I wonder if switching back and forth from Low Fat to Low Carb might not be the way to go for me, long term?  I won't get bored, and it might help me not end up on plateaus . . . oh well, we'll see how I feel at the end of this week!


Friday, May 7, 2010

LOW FAT: Innumerable Days, Cory

OK!  I have finished up all the stuff!!  Tomorrow, I am going to the store and buying very simple stuff and going to try low carb for at least a week. 

Sometimes that makes me feel weak/woozy, so if it does that, I will cutting it short.  But I don't intend to be crazy strict about it, so that should help.  I'm not gonna go zero carbs or anything like that, just limiting them.  I am thinking one small serving per meal.

We'll see how it goes!  Mostly, I am happy to be done with all the rice and pasta and veggies in the freezer and all the stuff I had to eat down to get ready to move out for a week or two in a few weeks, while work is done on the house.


Did loads of walking today for my exercise - I'd say about 5 miles.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Raw Food: Day Whatever, Cappy

Did good again today!  

I'm eating what I started out eating on the raw foods diet, which is a bowl of oatmeal and a veggie smoothie (spinach, strawberries, and bananas) for breakfast, a big salad with onions, spring mix leaves, sugar snap peas, tomatoes, avocado, black beans or kidney beans, and salsa for a dressing, and then another veggie smoothie for supper, sometimes with some raw carrots or snap peas to much on.  I also snack on apples, bananas, and raw almonds or raw cashews throughout the day.  It really is surprisingly satisfying, but only if I stop and think to myself why I'm craving stuff if I start to think I'm hungry.  If I don't think about it, that's when my cravings start to get the best of me, if that makes any sense.

I walked for about an hour and fifteen minutes this evening, and the walk was easier than it was yesterday, so maybe it won't take too long to get back in my walking groove.

Happymaker of the day:  My good walk


LOW FAT: Day 1 million and one, Cory

OK.  So it's not over 1 million days, but it feels like it!

I should be done with this by the end of this week.  I am so sick of rice and pasta . . . ugh.  I swear if anyone gets me pasta again for a gift, I am going to throw it on the floor, stomp it into 254,678 pieces, spit on it, and curse them until they are aflame with shame!

I live alone people.  I live alone!

Anyhow, I've learned that I'll have to move out for several weeks, probably in June to get the work done on the house.  So I've got to the end of May to get everything, including the food, as cleaned out as I can get it.

So, once I get through what is in the house (by the end of this week), I will then buy minimum stuff until moving day in June.

I am thinking "Low Carb," next.  After weeks of pasta and rice, I am ready for a change.

Did a lot of walking today . . . probably added up to about 5 miles.

CAPPY!  Good to see ya, and good to hear you are doing well.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Raw Food: Day Oneteen, Cappy

I did good today!  Was totally back on the diet, no slip-ups at all.  And I walked for 1 hour this evening.

I can do this!  I can get back on it and get back in my groove.  Whew!  Here's hoping I can keep it up.  Whoever first coined the phrase "I am my own worst enemy" sure wasn't kidding.

Happymaker of the day:  enjoying the sunset on my walk.

Cory--hope things are better for you this week!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

LOW FAT: Day 13, Cory

Well, I've been doing OK, just eating kinda crazy as I continue to try to empty my cupboards.

And I'm a little down right now, from all the cleaning and such I've been doing.  It's a bit depressing.

Things will be better when I get back to my routine at work.

I've just got to hang in.  I think I've lost a little; definitely haven't gained.

Cappy, hope you are doing well!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Low Fat, Day 11, Cory

A completely off my diet day!

Yes, that's right - I ate anything I wanted, all day long!  This included ice cream!

My only exercise was mowing the yard.

Hey, I think it's important to have a day like this one every once in awhile.  I didn't go hog wild or anything, but my friend was having a dinner party tonight, and I wanted to try everything, and I just woke up today and thought - what the heck, have a "free" day.

And I did.

Back to the grind tomorrow.

CAPPY!  Good to see you, and good to know you're gonna keep truckin'.  No worries with posting on a less frequent schedule.  Play around with it and see what works best for you.


Raw Food: Day Eleventy Bajillion, Cappy

Right.  I've been MIA for a while now, I know.  I haven't gone completely off the diet, but I haven't stayed completely on it, either.  I usually eat raw food diet stuff for breakfast and lunch, but then supper I weaken and eat stuff not-so-good for me.  Or at least, that's how it's been most days for the past week.  And I haven't been exercising like I should.  

I am going through another rough patch, and now we've got some family drama going on, so it's been enough for me to get out of bed for work lately.  And every night this week I've been in bed asleep by 8:30-9:00pm, so I haven't been able to remember to stop in on the computer to check in.

I think I'm going to have to just say I'll try to blog every other day--it's just not possible for me to promise to do it every single day.  I'm sticking with this diet and I'm trying to get back on track with it today--I walked for about an hour and a half this morning.

This isn't me giving up.  This is me saying please be patient if I'm not blogging as often as the perfect Cory blogs.  I'm working on it, and I will never give up the fight.  I WILL be at my goal weight this time next year, at the latest.  Cory and I have some epic plans afoot for next year. \o/

Keep up the good work, Cory!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

LOW FAT: Day 3, Cory

Let's see - had shrimp & pasta for all three meals!  Small portions. 

As God as my witness, I am going to get rid of this pasta!

Also had three pieces of fruit, and a slice of whole wheat bread spread with two of those soft light laughing cow cheeses.

Only exercise today was the cleaning (included mopping and getting on hands and knees to clean floor), and walked about a mile.

Cappy! I know you are just plain busy, and have some stresses you are dealing with - so be good to yourself, do your best, and I'll leave the light on for you.

In the meantime, I am going to begin writing a poem to you, based on Walt Whitman's "O Captain, my Captain":

O Cappy, My Cappy

(Verse 1)

O Cappy my Cappy!  Our fearful blog is not done!

I cannot give you any slack; the prize we sought is not won!
The goal weight is nearer, the picture is clearer, we are all exulting,
While followers read of our steady meals, our diets grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O cottage cheese and caffeine,
Where on the blog my Cappy's posts,
Are no longer seen.

Stay tuned for coming verses!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

LOW FAT, Day 2, Cory

Well, I had the grilled chicken salad when I went out to lunch with the sis-in-law, and one piece of bread with it.  Had small portion of veggie pasta for brk (I am trying to get rid of that pasta!!), and grilled chicken pasta for dinner.  Had a piece of fruit and some yogurt.

So, I did OK with the eating.  I wanted to resist the bread at lunch, but then I thought:  Hey, I'm doing "low fat" right now, so bread is OK.

Exercise was kinda sketchy today.  Didn't do anything formal at all, but a lot of up and downstairs, still doing the cleaning and such, and then carrying many a heavy bag of trash from the back of the house, down the driveway, to the curb.  And a very short walk (say, 4 blocks total) with my sis and the dog.

Cappy!  Check in and lemme know how it's going!  I'm gonna lose my own motivation without my Cappy!


Monday, April 26, 2010

LOW FAT: Day 1, Cory

I have renamed my diet, so that I can feel a little more like I'm making progress.  I dunno.  It just makes me feel better.

I'm actually still working on the cupboard cleanup, but the food it involves is basically equivalent to a low fat diet.

Same type of eating today, though I had a goat cheese sandwich with my veggie & rice soup at lunch.  Same type of exercise as yesterday.

I am feeling pretty hungry right now - I think I will have a pear.

Capperina!  Hope all is well.  Are you seeing any progress?  Mine is slow, but it is happening.  I am eating lunch out with my sis-in-law tomorrow, and then dinner at a friends house on Thurs evening. So I have some challenges to get past, but I can do it.  It's all about the company, anyhow. :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today pretty much same as yesterday.

Ate rice & veggie soup.  Ate chicken.  Ate fruit. Ate pasta.  Did up and down stairs a lot, did 45 minutes on the exercise bike!

One unusual thing I ate was garbanzo beans, crushed and flavored with cocoa & sugar.  My Mediterranean mamma used to prepare a filling like that for some cookies she made, and I had a small can of garbanzo beans to eat up, so . . . there ya go!

Cappiletta!  Let's hear how you're doing, bambina!


Saturday, April 24, 2010


Well, I am definitely losing weight.  Put on some pants that were wearable but slightly snug a few weeks ago when I tried them on, and now they are quite loose. So I guess I have moved off my plateau, for now, anyhow - yay, me!

I am eating pretty much the same way I have been, switching things up a bit, but basically, very low fat, with lots of grains/pasta.  That's what's in my cupboards!  I went out to lunch with a friend and had a turkey sandwich on multigrain, with lots of veggies, and some low fat strawberry yogurt.

Exercise was some up and down stairs again from cleaning upstairs, some walking around town and at Farmer's Market (not a lot, probably didn't add up to more than half a mile), and 45 minutes on my exercise bike.

I bought some fruit because I have none in the house, but other than that, I haven't been buying any groceries as I continue to try to "eat down" what is in the house!  Oh, I did buy dog food and treats.  That little guy is eatin' better than me these days!

I never dreamed it would take this long, or be quite this boring, but as Sunday approaches, I think I'm going to be doing at least another week on this.


Friday, April 23, 2010


Well, today again a lot like the days before (not counting the going out for lunch yesterday). 

The way my cupboard and fridge is, I should call this "The Low Fat Diet," because all I have left in the freezer & fridge is frozen chicken, frozen veggies, some veggie & rice soup I made, and some marinara sauce I made.  And all I have left in the cupboard now is pasta.

It is definitely working for me.  I seem to have moved off my plateau somewhat.  I can tell from my black jeans.  They were really too snug to wear when we started.  Then a couple weeks ago, they were still a little snug, but definitely wearable . . . and now, they are starting to loosen up.  I mean, nowhere near "too loose to wear," (though my main go-to blue jeans are getting too loose), but starting to loosen up.

And the skirt I've been wanting to get into - I tried it on and I am definitely closer.  I could wear it, but it's slightly snugger than I like.  Still, I could tell: Progress.

Exercise was "up and down the stairs," walking the dog about a mile, and exercise bike for about 30 minutes.

When I was walking the dog, I walked past the scene of an accident.  A young man had just been hit by a car, while he was running across the street.  People were surrounding him and comforting him, and the ambulance was on its way.  He was sort of curled up and moving/rocking like he was in pain, but he was quiet.  It was actually quite upsetting; when we went by on the way home, the ambulance was there and the EMTs seemed to be trying to give him some sort of treatment on the spot.  They didn't have him on the stretcher yet when I walked past.

I'll have to check the paper tomorrow to see what was going on.  This is a small town, but none of the people involved looked familiar - we were right in front of a large motel and I think the guy was actually crossing the street to get to the motel.  I think he was an out of towner, there with some family/friends.

I hope he was OK.  He looked very young.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Oh!  I ate lunch out!  Yay, me!  I had a grilled chicken salad with vinegarette dressing.  It had roasted beets and fresh greens and champagne vinegarette - so yummy. 

Other than that, my eating consisted of rice with sugar and cocoa for breakfst, and rice with marinara sauce for dinner, an orange - and I also had two slices of bread, one with a bit of butter (one at lunch, one at dinner). 

I'm racking my brain, but I think that's it.  This is definitely a high carb, low fat type of diet I've been on!  I feel OK, and I still haven't gotten on the scale, but my clothes seem slightly looser.  I am getting fairly close to my goal I suspect, so it is gonna be slow, slow going, no matter what I do.

Once I finish this, I should switch for a week or two to low carb, just to switch it up and see if the change causes some weight loss.  Sometimes I think that sort of thing can jump start more loss.

My exercise was up the downstair case and down the upstaircase doing the upstairs cleaning work this morning, then a walk of 3 miles round trip meeting my friend for lunch, and about 30 min on the exercise bike this evening.

And I'm still wondering how I'm gonna get through 22 servings of pasta . . . have 22 of my best friends over for dinner . . .?

Hope all is well Cappiletta! :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Cappy!! Good to see ya.  Yep, just keep plugging away.  A couple chocolate chip cookies, one Subway sandwich, and a few hormones will not get the best of you - shouldn't really even show you down much.

I am soooo bored with the rice and veggies and pasta and chicken.  But that's what I've got left and I need to get it eaten up.

Some relief:  I have a lunch date tomorrow with a friend, so I get some variety, there.

I had pretty much the same meals today as yesterday

My only exercise was the cleaning and the up and down the stairs that resulted from that.  Didn't get to the bike today. 

Am trying to get up the desire to get on the scale that I found.  I don't want to get obsessed with the numbers, which I have a tendency to do.  Well, we'll see.


Raw Food: Day No Clue, Cappy

Yes, I keep forgetting to post.  I'm just so tired by the time I get on the computer at night that it slips my mind.

Diet's been going . . . not perfect, but I haven't fallen completely off it.  I ate a couple chocolate chip cookies yesterday, and today for lunch I ate a Subway turkey sub, 6 inch.  I overslept and didn't have time to fix my salad this morning, and I just did not fancy getting a salad from Subway.

I'm slowly getting back to the walking--I took a few days off because of two horrible blisters I had on my feet.  But the blisters are mostly healed now.  Yesterday and today I walked a little over and hour each day, so I'm getting back into the exercise groove, I think.  

I'm not tired of the diet.  I think my biggest problem this week has been hormones, and also I've been a little sick due to allergies.  Hopefully by next week I'll be back to normal and losing weight again.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Ugh.  I am getting tired of this eating, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Ate pretty much the same way today as yesterday . . . rice for brk, grilled chicken on whole wheat and veggie rice soup for lunch, pasta with veggie tomato sauce and a piece of fruit for dinner.  I also had a cup of 25 cal "no fat" hot chocolate.

My exercise was again the cleaning upstairs, with the up and down the stairs that went with that, and this time, only about 30 minutes on the bike, instead of 45.  I just felt tired out!

It is amazing how long it takes to eat stuff up when you live by yourself.  I mean, my still unopened box of elbow pasta says "eight servings."  My opened one has probably . . . 6 servings to go.  And then my box of unopened linguini says 8 servings.  AND I've got all that soup I made with the veggies and rice to eat . . . and chicken and some more veggies in the freezer, and a couple of pieces of fruit.

Why so much pasta?  Christmas.  I got pasta for Christmas from two different people.  I am going to have to ask people not to give me food for Christmas next year.

But that adds up to 22 servings of pasta . . . Good God.  I wonder if the dog likes pasta?


Monday, April 19, 2010


Well, another day of sensible if somewhat unusual eating, as I try to clean up the cupboard for when I have to leave the house for a few weeks.

Had rice for brk, veggie rice soup and a grilled chicken sandwich on low-cal whole wheat for lunch, and veggie pasta with small amt of pasta for dinner.  Then had a couple of pieces of whole wheat toast for snack a little bit ago - was hungry!  The whole wheat is the 35 cal a slice kind, so I think I am OK.

Was cleaning up one of the upstairs rooms (my late son's room - am cleaning and going through his things . . . not so fun, but has to be done) and came across my scale.  I had forgotten I had one.  I didn't get on it, as it has been sitting under that bed for years and needs to be cleaned and reset . . . I might cave and actually get on it though.  It is probably smarter than guessing if I'm doing OK.

Exercise for today was all that going up and down the stairs cleaning up the rooms up there, and then 45 min on the exercise bike.  I increased the resistance again, which caused me to have to take 2 breaks.  But that's OK. 

CAPPY! Hope all is well.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Today, I ate rice flavored with parmesan cheese for breakfast, and for lunch!  A small serving for brk, and a larger serving for lunch.  For dinner, I had a medium cheeseburger and a yogurt.  I also had a piece of fruit.

My exercise was yard work - mowed the lawn, did some trimming and pruning, and then I did my exercise bike for 45 minutes tonight.

So, OK, I guess.  Really low on the veggies today - in fact, I had no veggies unless you count the onion on the cheeseburger.

However, I made a bunch of vegetable soup today, to use up some of the frozen veggies in my freezer.  So I will have that to eat all week.  Veggies, here I come.

My pants seem to be getting even looser on me . . . I'm not sure I'll be able to wear these jeans too much longer.  I can actually wiggle out of them without unbuttoning or unzipping them. (Don't say it, Cappy!)

I think I'm gonna be on the "Cupboard Cleanup" at least all of this coming week - we'll see where I'm at after that.


Saturday, April 17, 2010


Today I had the rice for brk, then I went to a flea market thingy with a friend for most of the day, and ate out for lunch and dinner. 

Lunch was a small salad and a half sandwich (turkey on whole wheat) - I resisted eating the potato chips that came with the sandwich. 

I had a small cookie and a handful of popcorn at the flea market.

Dinner was Wendy's, with a grilled chicken wrap, a small chili, and a side salad.

I had a piece of fruit at home late.

So, light eating, good day eating wise.  Exercise-wise . . . kinda hard to say.  Spent hours leisurely walking around the flea market and antique mall and such.  So not "sit on my butt all day," but no strenous exercise.

CAPPY!  Your indulgences sound pretty sensible - I don't think they'll throw you off track, either.  Think about our exciting vacation options when you need to stay motivated!


Raw Food: Day 34, Cappy

So yeah, I've missed a few days of blogging.  And I haven't done an awesome job on the diet, either.  Thursday night I had a cheeseburger and a baked potato for supper, and then last night I had some tuna fish with crackers for supper.  So, not completely falling off the diet all day long each day, but enough to have stalled any weight loss, along with the fact that after my walk Thursday morning I developed really bad blisters on both feet, to the point that I had to buy blister treatment bandages and skip my walk yesterday and today.  The blisters are much better today, but I decided to skip the walk so that it'd give them more time to heal.  It was very strange because I didn't really walk any longer than I have been walking each day; I guess my feet just decided they'd had enough.  I bought some recommended stuff to use to prevent the blisters from reforming, so hopefully that'll help me enough so that I can keep increasing my walking times--it's so frustrating because if it weren't for my tendency to blister I'd be walking at least 2-3 hours every day by now.

Anywho, I've kept to the diet all day long today, so I'm hoping this means I'll be able to get back on track mentally.  *fingers crossed*


Friday, April 16, 2010


Well, a decent day.

I did have a biscotti and a tiny chocolate with my coffee at lunchtime, but my eating was light and sensible otherwise.  Exercise was walking approx 2.5 miles and 45 min on the exercise bike.

I am tired.

CAPPY!  How ya doin'?


Thursday, April 15, 2010


Today wasn't much different than yesterday, though instead of the white clam pasta for dinner, I stopped off at McD's on the way home (walking home) and had a grilled chicken snack wrap and a yogurt parfait for dinner.

I had to do taxes tonight, so I didn't want to take time to make my dinner.  But I got my taxes done a full 4.5 hrs ahead of the deadline!  Yay!  My taxes are done!

My eating was basicallly rice for brk, 2 pieces of fruit as snacks during the day, grilled chicken salad for lunch (no bread), and then the snack wrap and yogurt.  Pretty heathy and low cal eatin', I'd say - and walked about 4 miles all told.

I can tell that I have lost a little weight from where I plateaued, so I am crossing my fingers that I'm truly moving off the plateau.  Am even thinking of wearing my jeans skirt that had gotten so snug, tomorrow, as it is no longer so snug.  My co-workers are going to faint from seeing my in anything but pants!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Raw Food: Day 31, Cappy

Diet yesterday didn't go great--I ate some tortilla chips with refried beans and nacho cheese for supper.  But, that's the only cheat I did yesterday, so I'm not beating myself up too much over it.  This seems to be my week to have ferocious cravings, I've been having them almost constantly all week.  So, me eating a few nachos last night is such a huge problem, given how much and what all I've been wanting to eat. ;D

Yesterday, I only walked 45 minutes.  Today I walked 1.5 hours.  And other than a mean looking blister on one of my toes, I've gotten pretty used to walking almost two hours a day and climbing the dreaded hill at least 4-5 times a day.  Tonight I did the hill 6 times.  I want my calves to be fierce by the end of summer. \o/

Happymaker of the day:  making vacation plans.



Today was much like yesterday.  At dinner, I had a 100 cal fudge bar instead of a piece of fruit.  Otherwise, exactly the same, except for some extra walking, so probably did closer to 5 miles, instead of 4.

I still have rice to finish, BUT, I finished up the can of white clam sauce I got for Christmas!  Yay!  I had white clam pasta 3 nights in a row.  It was yummy, but I was getting tired of it.

Anyhow, low cal overall, lots of walking - good day!

I am hoping to drop off the plateau anytime now. :)


Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Well, trying to use up the food I have makes for some interesting meals.

I made a bunch of rice and I heated it up to eat like hot cereal in the morning - I'll be doing that all week, as I have a bunch of rice!  I flavor it with a bit of sugar, then cocoa or cinnamon, and I have a piece of fruit.  It comes to about a 200 - 250 cal brkfst.

At lunch, I had a grilled chicken salad with vingarette, and a yogurt, and a piece of fruit - I guess about 450 cal, tops.

And dinner was again some white clam sauce pasta (small serving), and piece of fruit - I guess about 450 cal, tops, again.

So overall calories were fine, and it was healthy eating.

For exercise, I walked to and from work (about 3 miles tot), and I walked at lunch (about another mile).

No extras or treats at all today, though I was offered some chips.

So - good goin' overall!  Please let me off this plateau!


Monday, April 12, 2010


Alright, I am starting on eating up what's in my fridge, freezer, and cupboards, in a sensible way.

I had low cal brk (oatmeal), lunch (grilled chicken salad with vingarette and slice whole wheat bread), and dinner (small serving of white clam pasta, and an apple).  I did eat some Starburst candy (about 5 of the 20 cal pieces) and a small cookie (one of those little Girl Scout Peanut Butter cookies) also, at work - but I don't think it all added up to 1400 cals, tops. 

And I did a lot of walking (4 miles, I'd say), and 45 minutes on my bike, so I think I'm good!

I am feeling motivated to keep going.  I have been on a bit of a plateau, but it's gonna have to give here, if I just keep going.

CAPPY:  Good work on resisting the comfort food!


Raw Food: Day 29, Cappy

Ugh, still very busy and moody!  I walked yesterday for an hour and a half, but not today.  I was just so tired when I got home from work and in such a foul mood that I decided to rest for today.  Yesterday, I ate a few bites of scrambled eggs and hash browns, but I didn't even make a plate of it, I just grabbed a few bites as I passed through the kitchen.  So, I'm pleased about that.

And as much as I've wanted to turn to comfort food today, I have resisted and stuck to my diet.  If I can just get through these few days of hormones and moodiness I'll be okay. ;D

Happymaker of the day:  Not killing anybody.  Going to jail would have made a bad day worse, I think.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

RAW FOOD: Day 28, Cory

Did oatmeal for breakfast, raw pear for snack, tuna salad sandwich for lunch (whole wheat bread, very light on the mayo, extra-low-sodium tuna), another raw pear for snack, and stir-fry chicken with a very small amount of pasta for dinner.

I also had three small pieces of leftover Easter chocolate as a "dessert."

I don't think it all added up to more than 1200 calories.

And I did 45 minutes on the bike.

So good day.

I don't feel like I've lost any weight at all the last couple weeks (maybe a small bit), but with all the craziness and the stresses, I am happy with that.

I plan to start losing again, now.

CAPPY:  FIRST:  Congrats on it going so well!  As far as my diet for next week, I think I am going to go on the "clean out my fridge, freezer, and cupboards" diet, because I am going to have some major work done on the house in a few weeks, and I'll have to move in with a friend for a few weeks.  So I need to eat up what's here.

I plan to do it sensibly and low cal though.  I don't have any "treat" type stuff left, so it should be OK.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Raw Food: Day 27, Cappy

Busy, busy, busy!!

We can pretty much count on me not posting Thursday nights, unless I do it early.  And last night I was just so exhausted I completely forgot.

But diet is continuing to go great.  Yesterday my mood was all over the place and yesterday evening I was feeling pretty mopey about not getting to eat some comfort food, but I resisted and worked my way through the temptations.

I've been walking at least an hour and a half every day (except I skipped Thursday), and that seems to be working out quite well for me, so far.  It's been getting a lot easier for me lately, and I'm even doing the "hill" on my street at least 4 times a day, sometimes even as much as 7 or 8 times a day.  I hate that freaking hill, but I think it's what's really kicked up the speed with which my endurance is increasing and is also really helping me lose weight at a faster pace.  I'm finally losing weight at what I consider to be an acceptable rate.  I REALLY hope this keeps up.  It's about time things started going my way with this.

It's a daily battle, and I know there's going to be some really difficult times, but feeling like I'm finally in a good groove is what's keeping me going right now.  That, and feeling great--I so do not miss how I always felt after eating unhealthy foods.

Happymaker of the day:  Sleeping late and then napping this afternoon.  Oh how I've missed being lazy.


RAW FOOD: Day 27, Cory

Lots and lots of walking today!  At least 5 miles, including the 1.5 mile nature trail, with all its ups and downs.

Whenever I mention walking the nature trail, which goes off into a wooded area, people ask me, "Is it safe?"  I don't know what to say to this.  For awhile there, you are in the woods.  We don't have any large predatory animals around here, save the very rare bobcat sighting.

There may, or may not, be other people around, on the trail.  We live in a small town, with a low, but not non-existent, crime rate.

So - is it safe?  I guess that depends on your definition of safe.

EATING:  Ate very light and sensibly all day - I'm guessing not more than 800 cals total. But then, I did go to a b-day party where I had three buffalo wings, a handful of nuts, about four taco chips with salsa, and a small piece of birthday cake. 

With all that walking, I think it all worked out OK.

CAPPY:  Do you want to continue with Raw Foods?

Friday, April 9, 2010

RAW FOOD: Day twentysomething, Cory

Well, spent the day out of town, which involved breakfast, lunch, and dinner out.  But I kept it simple and sensible - 1 egg, a piece of turkey sausage, and about 1/2 cup of strawberry yogurt for brk; a small grilled salmon salad with vinegarette dressing, a small fruit cup, and a small roll for lunch, and a medium portion of broccoli stir fry with maybe 1/2 cup of steamed rice for dinner.  Later, at home, I had a piece of whole wheat toast.

I resisted the many, many donuts and pastries that were out by the coffee at the meeting, and then, when they served us lunch, I resisted the rich dessert choices (triple layer fudge cake, strawberry cheesecake, and two-layer carrot cake) and had the small fruit cup only.

That part - the resisting the way-rich treats - really wasn't even very hard.  I don't seem to have much of attraction to them anymore.  I mean, I have some, but . . . the thought of how unhealthy they are does a much better job of stopping me, than it used to.

Very little exercise in today, because long drive to the meeting, the long meeting, long drive home.  But I hope to make up for that tomorrow.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

RAW FOODS: Day 25, Cory


CAPPY!  So glad things are going so well for you.

I continue my "eating sensibly, and getting plenty of exercise," but haven't really gotten back to the raw foods yet.

I just didn't think about dealing with Easter, then the Easter leftovers, which I don't want to go bad.  And that this week includes two days of out-of-town travel for work.

So anyhow, I have been eating sensibly, and doing tons of walking, because some major road construction has begun at an intersection that I cannot avoid, when driving to work.  And the construction backs up traffic so badly it is faster to walk!  Today, I probably walked 4 miles or more.

Don't know if I will lose weight, but feel sure I will not gain. 

I should be able to get back in the swing after this week is over.

CAPPY!  Maybe only one of us can do great at any given time? : ) The way you sound . . . you want to continue on the Raw Foods, I am guessing?


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Raw Food: Day 24, Cappy

Awesome day again with the diet.  I'm not quite sure why this diet has been so easy for me so far.  Maybe because it's cut out all of my trigger foods cold turkey?  So, it's about as close to quitting eating altogether as I can get for me, if that makes any sense.  The big comparison I always made to quitting smoking and dieting was I didn't have to smoke to live, so it was easier for me to give it up.  But now, I'm not having to eat all these foods that I'm addicted to in moderation.  I don't have to think about them at all anymore.  And I haven't much, as of yet.  

I know I'll have my ups and downs with this.  But so far the ups have GREATLY outweighed the downs. And I still feel great--significantly better than before I started the diet.  And I've had the energy to workout as much as I feel I need.  So, very positive experience all around with this diet.

I still think this is the lifetime diet for me.  I'll splurge on less healthy and organic stuff every once in a while, of course.  But I owe it to myself to eat the best possible foods for me, and I believe this diet has that.  Yay!

Happymaker of the day:  Finally getting started on writing again.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Raw Food: Day 23, Cappy

Awesome diet day!  This raw food thing has really gotten super easy for me lately.  Maybe because I see to be "in the zone" or something, I dunno.  Whatever it is, I hope it stays that way.  I'm still only eating oatmeal in the morning as my cooked food.  And I put some cold kidney beans on my salads, or sometimes a fat-free bean dip and some salsa--is salsa cooked?  Anywho, other than that, I don't eat anything cooked.  And I don't really miss cooked food, so far.

Exercise is going really well for me, too.  Today I walked 2 hours total--I even got up early enough before work to walk for about 45 minutes.  I hope I can keep this up once it turns into typical Alabama summertime.  I loathe hot and sticky weather.

Happymaker of the day:  Fandom squeeing.  It's a thing.


Raw Food: Day . . . uh . . . 22? 23?, Cory

Well, I did fine today, except no exercise.  Had to go out of town and got home later than usual and tired out.

Really not 100% back on track because I've been eating up some of the "hosting Easter" leftovers, but I did ask everyone to take back with them the chocolate easter treats and cookies and cakes and such they brought.  The only left over treat I had was a few pieces of low-cal angel food cake and a partial can of light whipped cream, and I finished that up by having it for brkfst and a late night treat.

The rest - I ate sensibly, both yesterday and today, and got exercise in yesterday (lots o' walking).

And I'm almost done with the leftovers, so even though I'm not 100% back on track, I am getting there. 

Had to move the exercise bike out of the living room for the party, but will move it back tomorrow night!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Raw Food: Day 22, Cappy

Woo hoo!  I remembered to post two days in a row!

Diet did great today.  I think maybe, possibly my taste buds might be changing a bit.  I've really been enjoying the heck out of my salads lately, as well as my veggie/fruit smoothies.  And I haven't really been craving much of anything.  Granted, hormones may be a factor in that, as well as being so busy and also with the diet going so well and me actually being able to feel and see a bit of weight loss, that all is encouraging me not to want to cheat.  But also, I'm really kind of enjoying the foods I've been eating lately.  Go figure.

I only walked for about an hour and fifteen minutes tonight.  I got home about 45 minutes late from work and was feeling pretty tired, so I decided to cut it short.  Tomorrow, 2 hours!  It will happen.

Happymaker of the day:  The walk was fun.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Raw Food: Day 21, Cappy

I just really do not have a good track record with remembering to post, do I?  

Anywho, no reason for not posting last night other than being distracted and forgetting.  I've got A LOT going on right now, and most of it happens in the evenings (get your minds out of the gutter), so it's difficult to remember sometimes.

But, diet is still going along rather fantastically.  Nephew and his gf came over tonight, but I did not partake in the any delicious foods being served.  I walked for almost 2.5 hours yesterday, but was not able to get any exercising in before they came over today--in my defense, they showed up almost 2 hours before they usually do.  I had planned on walking once it cooled down a bit this afternoon, but just didn't get the chance.

Happymaker of the day:  sleeping late.


RAW FOOD: Day 21, Cory

Easter!  I did indulge a bit today with a piece of cake and a couple small pieces of Easter chocolate, and some flavored pretzel pieces.

But no major pig-out.

I'm ready to get going again this coming week!

Happy Easter, all.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

RAW FOOD: Day 20, Cory

Well, again, ate sensibly, though not "on diet."  Probably am not going to lose any weight this week, but I'm not gonna gain any either.

Did a bit of walking, but not much.  Am trying to get ready to host a bit of an Easter celebration tomorrow (11 people coming over), so am keeping busy with that.

Am making sure I have healthy eating choices for myself (and of course, anyone who wants them).



Friday, April 2, 2010

RAW FOOD: Day 19, Cory

Same story today as yesterday:  Ate sensibly but not "on diet."  Exercised a bit more today - walked around 2 miles, rather than 1.

I plan to be completely back on track Monday, with the raw foods.

CAPPY!!  Great work!

Raw Food: Day 19, Cappy

EEEEP.  Forgot to post yesterday again. /o\

No reason for it, other than being super distracted by a lot of stuff.  But the diet has been going GREAT this week.  I haven't had any temptations or issues with it at all *knocks on wood*, and I've been exercising a lot.  I walked for 2 hours yesterday, and almost an hour and a half tonight after work.  I do have a blister on my foot now, though.

My boss bought everyone their own chocolate Easter bunny, but I politely declined mine and told her to give it to someone else.  And then a client sent us 4 dozen chocolate chip cookies, but I've managed to avoid them so far, as well.  I wish I could bottle up the ease with which I've done everything this week so that I could use it on my rough weeks.  Live and learn.

Happymaker of the day:  saying no to the Easter bunny. ;D


Thursday, April 1, 2010

RAW FOOD: Day 18, Cory

Just a quick post - nothing new to report.  Ate sensibly, but not really "on diet."

Did about a mile of walking.

Super-busy, am hoping to get back to normality - and the diet - after the weekend.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Raw Food: Day 17, Cappy

Diet went great again today.  I made myself an exceptionally yummy salad for lunch--spring mix greens, red onions, red peppers, avocado, kidney beans, and southwest salsa.  It was a party in my mouth! ;D

For the past couple nights, I've been too exhausted to eat more than my veggie smoothie and an apple for supper.  What's really interesting though, is that I've not gotten hungry afterwards. So I'm trying that again this evening, even though I didn't work out today and am not exceptionally tired.  I'm curious to see if it makes any difference whether or not I'm really tired.

As I said, did not work out today.

Happymaker of the day:  chatting with friends


RAW FOOD: Day 17, Cory

I would call this a "day off" the diet.

Just dealing with some mega stress.  I am eating sensibly . . . no major treats or anything like that, but some temporary craziness going on in my life, and I am just trying to maintain here.  Had a small cookie for breakfast, I ate out for lunch (had feta veggie wrap, and some small pieces of olive-oil with bread appetizer type thing), and had a small baloney sandwich and bunch of almonds for dinner.  I mean - who knows what the calories added up to, but I just need to take a short break from the diet till I get past this coming weekend.

I'll keep posting, and I'll keep eating sensibly so I don't put any weight back on or anything like that, but I have some very stressful, time-consuming things to handle this week, and continue to deal with mega-insomnia.

I have reason to believe things will ease up after the weekend.  Am not giving up or giving in; just need a break of a few days.

Did not do my biking, but walked about 1.5 miles or so.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Raw Food: Day 16, Cappy

Diet went great again today, except I was starving most of the afternoon, for some odd reason.  I ate a bunch of carrots with salsa and then some raw almonds and then an apple, but nothing seemed to fill me up.  I'm wondering if it's because I didn't put any protein on my lunch salad--I had been putting some plain tuna or kidney beans on my salads, but I didn't have time to add it to my lunch before I left for work this morning.  Something for me to keep in mind.

I walked for 1 hour and 50 minutes today! \o/  My goal is to get up to two hours of workout everyday, and close to three on my days off from work.  It's slow going, but I'm getting there.  Man, my feet are sore tonight, though.  Hopefully I'll manage walking 2 hours tomorrow.

Soooo sleepy.  Like Cory, I've had some trouble sleeping the past couple nights.  Hopefully all this walking will let me sleep better tonight.

Happymaker of the day:  The weather!  It's been some gorgeous spring weather here.
