Mission Statement

Our goal with this blog is to push each other to get healthy, learn how to stay fit and active, to examine our lives and try to find the joy and fun in every day, and to conquer our fears so that we can go out into the world and grasp every bit of happiness we can find. All while being snarky and trying not to kill each other.

Monday, May 17, 2010

TESTING: Day 1, Cory

Well, I have to stop calling this "Low Carb," because I just can't stick to Low Carb.  So I am calling it "Testing" because I feel like I'm entering a phase where I am figuring out how I want to eat for the long term.

I am thinking it is going to end up being low fat and good-carbs (as in avoiding refined sugar, going for whole grains, etc).

I want to come up with Cory's Four Rules, sorta like Alton Brown did, with his Four Lists.  Only they will be my lists to eat by, not Alton's.  Though I like some of his, and will probably steal some.

So I'm going to be trying to figure that out in the next few weeks.  And then I will post my "Lists," and try to live by them, and see how it goes.  My goal is to tweak and have this tweaked to perfection by the end of the calendar year - and to follow my rules from now on.

And then, whatever weight I am, when eating light and sensibly and doing a decent amount of exercise . . . well, that is the weight I am.

Did good today with the eating, and the exercising.  Got back to using my exercise bike, since the weather continues to be too rainy to walk to work. 


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