Mission Statement

Our goal with this blog is to push each other to get healthy, learn how to stay fit and active, to examine our lives and try to find the joy and fun in every day, and to conquer our fears so that we can go out into the world and grasp every bit of happiness we can find. All while being snarky and trying not to kill each other.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

TESTING: Day 4, Cory

Well, I did fine with my eating today.

My exercise was about 2 miles of walking and 45 minutes on the bike.

Am still working on figuring out what "my lists" and rules will be, but I feel like they are starting to take shape!

This is all so day by day.  I have yet to get on the scale, which is still sitting in my bathroom, but I know I am at that place where I'm getting close to my end-weight and loss is going to be slow.  Which is OK.  I don't think I can possibly be losing more than a pound or so a week - at the most, and probably less - at this point.  But that is OK.

It is what it is, I'll end up where I end up!

CAPPY!  Hope you are doing OK on your efforts.


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