Mission Statement

Our goal with this blog is to push each other to get healthy, learn how to stay fit and active, to examine our lives and try to find the joy and fun in every day, and to conquer our fears so that we can go out into the world and grasp every bit of happiness we can find. All while being snarky and trying not to kill each other.

Friday, February 26, 2010

SUBWAY: Day 12, Cory

Had another "I'm too hungry night" last night and ate a small snack (piece of lunch meat with piece of bread) before bed.  So I guess that's not great, but my calorie count is still in the "lose weight" column, just not as fast, when I do that.

Today, I am doing OK so far.  I didn't eat my fruit at lunchtime, so if I get hungry tonight, I'll eat that piece of fruit, instead of adding an extra item.  That may be a better strategy for me - save something for before bed, so I don't get that "I can't sleep from feeling hungry" feeling.

We've decided on the "Peanut Butter diet" for the next two weeks.  I'll make a comment under this post that describes it.  Basically, you get 4tbs of PB a day, and eat healthy foods around that.  It appealed to me mostly cause I like Peanut Butter, and it sounded like a nice break in what we have been doing.

Did my exercise, as usual.

Snow, snow, snow! Gray days and snow.  Not the greatest weather to be trying to deal with changing eating habits, but hey, you can't wait for it to be perfect, right?


1 comment:


    Items for making a healthy peanut butter menu (approx 1,510 calories for women)

    DAILY (calories are averages/approximations):
    • Natural peanut butter: 4 tablespoons (400 calories total)
    • Protein: 2 servings of lean meat or poultry or any fish ( 2 – 3 ozs) or beans (1/2 cup) (300 calories total)
    • Vegetables: 3 servings of 1 cup salad greens or 1 cup other veggies or ¾ cup vegetable juice (200 calories total)
    • Fruit: 2 servings of fruit (150 calories total)
    • Carbs/grains: 2 servings of 1 slice whole grain bread or ½ cup rice or ½ cup pasta or ½ cup oatmeal/whole grain cereal (200 calories total)
    • Dairy: 1 serving of 1 cup skim milk, 1 cup lowfat yogurt, 1 oz cheese (150 calories total)
    • Fats/oil: 1 servings of 1 tbs olive or canola or peanut oil (110 calories)

    Use seasonings and savory low- fat, low-sugar condiments as you like.


    Breakfast: 1 slice whole grain bread with 2tbs peanut butter, 1 piece of frut

    Snack: ½ cup yogurt and fruit

    Lunch: 2 cups salad greens with 2-3 oz lean meat (sliced beef or chicken or ½ can tuna, or ½ cup beans, etc) and 2tbs oil & vinegar dressing

    Snack: ½ cup yogurt

    Dinner: Serving of grilled chicken (or other protien) with ½ cup rice and 1 cup mixed veggies

    Dessert/snack: piece of fruit with 2 tbs peanut butter

