Mission Statement

Our goal with this blog is to push each other to get healthy, learn how to stay fit and active, to examine our lives and try to find the joy and fun in every day, and to conquer our fears so that we can go out into the world and grasp every bit of happiness we can find. All while being snarky and trying not to kill each other.

Monday, February 1, 2010

SLIMFAST: Day 1, Cory

10:30 AM
The drink is pretty tasty - no problem drinking it for breakfast. I do start to feel hungry mid-morning, so I eat the mid-morning snack - a small orange. I feel fine - not particular tired or fuzzy or jumpy or anything like that. Energy level is good.
CAPPY CONCERNS: Is the new diet effecting her mood in a negative way? I am nervous for her co-workers.
3:30 PM
I am hungry at lunch time, so the drink and yogurt feel really skimpy. I can have a snack bar and carrots at mid-afternoon, but I go ahead and have the snack bar at lunch. Snack bar yummy! At mid-afternoon, I am definitely hungry for the carrots. I eat them, and feel like it should be fairly simple to make it to dinner.
CAPPY CONCERNS: I check the CNN website for any distressing news from South of the Mason-Dixon line, but seems all is quiet. I guess Cappy's handling everything better than I thought she would.
AFTER DINNER: Am hungry when I get home. I stir fry some chicken with vegetables, and toast a piece of wheat bread. Then I ride the exercise bike for 30 minutes.
Had a good day at work. Laughed with co-workers over silliness. Didn't really take any proactive "get more out of life" steps, but hey, it's only Day 1.



  1. Good job on the exercise, Cory!

    One thing I have been trying to do consistently is to chew each mouthful of food 20 times. Of course, if you're drinking your food, you can't do that. But it does slow you down so that your brain can register fullness sooner. Plus, your food predigests which is better for digestion.

    Also, I've been using loseit.com program on my iTouch to track my food intake and exercise each day. After you get the food you normally eat recorded into the program you can recall it easily and logging future meals is a snap.

    It also posts my progress (not my weight, just pounds gained or lost) on my Twitter and Facebook account which makes me more accountable for what I eat.

    Seriously, if you have to log in 4 servings of graham crackers, it makes you think twice about eating that again. But it sure tasted good. And for 480 calories - I counted it as a meal and didn't go over my total for the day by much.


  2. Your lack of a Happymaker concerns me. You'll probably need to double up today to make up for it. The best and quickest way to do this would probably be to send me some money. This would make me happy, which would, in turn, make you happy. Just a helpful suggestion. --CAPPY
