Mission Statement

Our goal with this blog is to push each other to get healthy, learn how to stay fit and active, to examine our lives and try to find the joy and fun in every day, and to conquer our fears so that we can go out into the world and grasp every bit of happiness we can find. All while being snarky and trying not to kill each other.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

SlimFAST: Day 7, Cappy

Slept late today, had a lot of stuff to do on the computer, so before I knew it it was almost 2:00pm and I hadn't even eaten breakfast yet (no, I didn't sleep that late, but I had a couple cups of coffee and got distracted by work stuff and before I knew it, it was after 1:00pm).  So, I ate a very late brunch, then fixed a hearty chili recipe for supper that I got from the Slimfast website.  Very yummy!  Although, the recipe did not include any type of beans, and since I cannot imagine eating chili without beans, I added a can of kidney and a can of pinto beans.  Tasty stuff.

Alas, I did not work out today.  Bad Cappy.  But hey, I've gone a whole week without straying from the diet and without even being too hungry, so I'll give myself a pat on the back, and plan to do better with the workouts next week.

Happymaker of the day:  Being silly with friends.



  1. You are not a bad Cappy!

    If you don't mind some advice, ease into the exercise. Pushing yourself too far too fast burns you out. What I did, when I was starting to exercise...I had a stationary bike given to me by a friend, so I would do 10 minutes a day after work but before dinner, while watching TV. After 2 weeks, I moved up to 12 minutes, a week later to 15, and then 2 weeks after that to 20. Watching TV helped distract me, and doing it in steps helped me build up my strength. In less than 2 months, I was doing 30 minutes and I barely noticed...I'd even feel bad if I thought about not doing it.

    Of course, I would follow it up with a cigarette. I'm not perfect. ;)

    I don't know if the incremental thing would work for you, but maybe?


  2. I agree with E, Cappy! You are not a Bad Cappy (you're evil, but that's a different matter).

    Build up to where you wanna be.

    We've had a good first week.

    Onward and upward! - Cory
