Mission Statement

Our goal with this blog is to push each other to get healthy, learn how to stay fit and active, to examine our lives and try to find the joy and fun in every day, and to conquer our fears so that we can go out into the world and grasp every bit of happiness we can find. All while being snarky and trying not to kill each other.

Friday, February 5, 2010

SLIMFAST: Day 5, Cappy

Did good with the diet again today, but not great.  My problem isn't really falling off of it so far, it's just making myself eat a snack during the afternoon when I'm at work.  And, I'm not mixing it up as well as I should--I've resorted to eating cereal for supper the past two nights instead of cooking a meal.  The cereal I eat is Fiber One and it's with skim milk, so it's not like it's unhealthy, but still, it's not balanced (even though I have eaten a salad with it each night, as well).  I need to work on putting in the extra effort to cook meals next week.

I was really feeling the temptation to fall off the diet today.  I was stressed from work and tired and was in that "reward myself for surviving the week" mode that usually always makes me give in and splurge, but I stuck to my guns and did not stray.

I am so sore from that workout dvd from yesterday that I didn't exercise today.  But I will work out more tomorrow and Sunday to make up for the lack of exercise today.

Very tiring but overall good first week of this new experience.

Happymaker of the day:  Getting new editing software for my iMac.

Stressmaker of the day:  Realizing how much I have to learn about how to use said editing software.


1 comment:

  1. You've done great for such a stressful week there, Cappy. You had to think quick on your feet to deal with trying to eat sensibly while not having the time or energy to get into cooking a dinner, and hey - subbing some healthy type cold cereal and a salad is a good way to go, IMO.

    It sure is a lot better than tossing in the towel.

    Now, before you wonder if I've been possessed by someone a lot nicer than me, I offer you this criticism: I think you should capitalize "DVD." And don't say "bite me!" because that is not in the spirit of this blog.
