Mission Statement

Our goal with this blog is to push each other to get healthy, learn how to stay fit and active, to examine our lives and try to find the joy and fun in every day, and to conquer our fears so that we can go out into the world and grasp every bit of happiness we can find. All while being snarky and trying not to kill each other.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Introduction Post

Hello to everyone out there! This is an intro post to give everyone an idea of what to expect with this blog. This is how it all began: Cory and I were discussing a few weeks ago about how we were both ready for a change in our lives. For various reasons, she and I both felt that we had been in a rut for quite a while. For myself, that rut has lasted years. Years of staying in my comfort zone and hiding out, not taking risks, not actively seeking happiness . . . basically, years of not living the kind of life I've always yearned for. I've used the excuse of my weight as a reason for my unhappiness most of my life, but I've slowly come to realize that I've actually been using my weight to hide from the world and as an excuse to not take risks or live life to the fullest. And I'm tired of it. I'm ready to be the person that I've always been deep down. I'm ready to jump off that cliff and join the world again. And to snark on Cory as much as possible in the process because she's always asking for it.

This is how we're going to do it: Cory and I will be trying out various popular diets (e.g., first up: SlimFast!) every two weeks. We will not be doing "fad" diets; our health is first and foremost in our minds, and we will be doing our best to make sure we're getting a balanced diet (neither of us is a doctor, so don't go thinking we're medically qualified to tell anyone else to do as we do, we only claim responsibility for our own health). We will also be exercising each day as well, if possible. Each of us will post every day to report how we did--the ease of staying on the diet, whether or not we were hungry, what kind of physical activities we attempted for the day, etc.

But, since this blog isn't just for our physical well-being, we'll also be reporting what we did each day to improve our mental health. Basically, this will be our "Happymakers." Whether it be doing a little something for someone else to put a smile on their face, learning how to change a tire (yes, I still don't know how to do this), taking the time to read a chapter in a good book, or just looking in the mirror and telling myself that I do indeed, on occasion, rock, we will be reporting it. Because to be truly happy with ourselves, we have to work from the inside out, cheesy as it may sound.

So, be looking out for our posts each day. We plan to have a heck of a lot of fun with this. We're both far from perfect, so it should be amusing to watch us stumble along the path to good health. And who knows, maybe once we reach our goals I'll be able to convince Cory to jump out of a plane with me in celebration. Stranger things have happened.


1 comment:

  1. The first paragraph seems strangely familiar, because could be used to describe me (more or less) until a couple of months ago. I didn't try any of the diets you'll be testing out. Just started eating "right" and exercising. Amazing what that kind of change will do for you. Still have a bit to go, but there is more behind me than there is in front of me at this point.

    I wish you both success on your journey and look forward to your updates.
